Monday, 3 September 2007

Feeling Pretty Tired!

Why oh why do I think it's a good idea to get wrecked on a school night? I should just have one or two cold ones but sometimes I go a bit crazy and sink enough to kill the average horse! The pub was dead yesterday and work was dragging like mad so I had a few ciders to speed things up but then had the bright idea to hit the Jack Daniels and I wish I hadn't. I don't have a head ache or feel sick, I just feel drained and really tired!

There was some excitement in the bar though when a young lass knocked her uncle clean out with a perfect right hook! The girl is a tiny little thing but fuck me can she punch! She lost her dad a few weeks back and her uncle is a real tight bastard and has refused to pay anything towards, leaving her to foot the bill. Apparently he'd been winding her up all week and mid afternoon yesterday he went and sat next to her to talk to another customer but it was to piss his niece off really. As he stood up to leave he said to her "You're getting fuck all" and walked off. She then went a bit crazy and her friend had to restrain her but she wriggled free, went out of the fire door and came in through the main entrance and whacked him in the mush, knocking him clean off his feet. It was a proper punch! Anyway, I got told off after I decided it would be a good idea to play Eye Of The Tiger by Survivor (theme tune to Rocky) on the jukebox for a laugh. Well it entertained me anyway! LOL!

So like I said I ended up getting pissed and I text my mum a right load of bollocks and got really deep! I'm going to get a right lecture from her and my dad when I see them in Spain on Thursday because I was coming out with a right load of shite and she even suggested I should go talk to someone professional because I must be harbouring some guilt! She's probably right but last night was the beer talking but I've some explaining to do on my holidays! It's never simple in Pud's world! No more Jack Daniels for me for a while, he's a bad bad man!

I'm really looking forward to jetting off now, it can't come soon enough and I've even packed my case already! I've let things start to get on top of me again and have been self medicating with alcohol which isn't the best thing to do I know. It's going to be great to not have to get up early on a morning and jump on a packed train to sit here for 8 hours bored as fuck then having to work the bar too. I half heartedly said last night that if I found a job out there that allowed me to come home once a month then I'd really consider taking it but talking to former Mrs P, who worked in Greece for 6 months, it appears the wages are shite. If only I was winning at NL100 it'd be so easy!

Well that's it for now. I'm going to continue the $5k challenge when I get home and maybe enter a $22 MTT on Party with their free money and see if I can hit a big score. Would be very nice if I could make the FT and get a 3 or 4 figure score, only time will tell!

Take care guys and good luck at the tables.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pud, Pud , Pud!!!

You and beer.. hahahahahahaha!!!

Keep sticking at the poker, it will come together at some point and you make a decent score. Look at Raff for example, that one win has boosted his roll massively!

It'll come mate.

anyway, sunshiiiiine first!!