Wednesday, 17 October 2007

1st Session Sponsored By KY Jelly!

I think the phrase I've used the most so far is "Fuck Me!" I got shafted good and proper and the cunts didn't even kiss me! I flopped 5 sets in 221 hands, 4 went to showdown and I won one of them for a total loss of 3BB. The shite these fuckers will hang around with is not normal! If I don't go mental this should be very profitable. Look at some of these hands!

I did actually win some hands too! These are the biggest winners for the mini session:

Anyway, that's enough hands. Off for a smoke then will probably attempt to play again. I really need to eat something though because I'm not eating at all lately and I've lost a bit of weight which although I could do with it it's not coming off for the right reasons!

Thanks for reading and good luck against the fish!


Amatay said...

Why u playing limit pokes?????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's like a bloody soap opera on here. Been trying to find out how you got on in your HR meeting for spending too long on Facebook. Think I could be in trouble myself soon.

Check In The Dark said...

Hey up

Just wanted to say all the best with the new poker route, the house, mrs p, work and your health.

this was honestly meant to be a genuine mesage of well wishes but now it just sounds funny.

its one thirty am though so i hope you forgive me and take it as it is meant.
