Friday, 16 November 2007

Two Pairs Makes You Flush(ed)!

Still no internet at home although I do now have a sofa so no more sitting on the floor on a night when I get back from working! I received a phone call from the pub landlord asking if I wanted a couple of Ikea sofas that would definitely fit in the flat so obviously I said yes. If you remember a while ago I said former Mrs P was seeing some bloke from the pub who I thought was a bit of a cock. We had words and threats etc but nothing came of it and we're ok with each other now. Well it turns out they were his mate's sofas and he delivered them for me for the price of a pint! Small world! They not the best in the world but they were free and much better than the floor! See Pudding always falls on his feet eventually!

Things with Mrs Pudding and step Pud are going brilliant still and I'm really happy at the minute. Combine having these two around with not hardly drinking, eating at a proper time and not having to be in the pub, my head is well and truly sorted and I'm back to my best. Mrs P and I just buzz off each other because we can be serious or act like twats and not feel stupid for it! Sometimes though women do prove to be a bit slack! The other night she was knackered, Step Pud had been a pain in the arse all day and had woken up during the night so she was sleepy. I told her we'd have an early one so went to get ready for bed. As we laid there I cuddled her and she started laughing but wouldn't tell me why but she found something funny. I finally got it out of here yesterday that because she was so tired and not with it she'd stuck on two pairs of pants instead of one and this tickled her. I'd have laughed my cock off though if she hadn't realised and had gone for a piss, pulling one down and pissing through the others like my mate's girlfriend did the other year! I've done something similar today though and gone to work with shorts on instead of undies because I was in a mini rush, maybe it's catching! I also ended up washing up with my jeans and pants around my ankles the other day but that's another story!

It's my last weekend of working behind the bar with my last shift being Sunday so I expect a few ciders to be sunk. Can't go silly though as I have to be up early for work on the Monday plus there's not just me to worry about in the flat, don't like being drunk around babies or small kids anyway and it's not exactly fair on Mrs P me rolling in stinking of booze and being a knob whilst she's been with baby plus with my lack of drinking lately I have 5 pints and feel pretty tipsy! In a way I'll miss it because it can be a laugh but I finally get my weekends back and some freedom again.

I have passed some of your blog addresses to a guy named Michael Needham who contacted me via the comments on my blog. He's a genuine guy with a business proposal for you as he's a director of Dial A Dealer who are going to be major players in Home and Corporate Poker Nights. He's also working on a great new idea that I know most of my regular readers and Raise The River members will find very useful and I'm sure he'll inform you of when he contacts you at some point over the next few days.

One last thing. Post-It's are marvellous! Just write a little message on one, or a smily face and leave it somewhere for your missus to find! Guaranteed smile from your better half! Yes I'm a sad old romantic sometimes!

Have a great weekend and thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Swifty said...

Ahhh...thanks for the heads up on the blog comments by Michael. I had wondered. Every now and again I get e-mails requesting me to contact people for 'blog sponsorship' or tie ins and I assume they're a scam or summat.

I'll get back to him. Sounds intriguing :)